Career Profile:

Hydraulic Engineer


Median Yearly





Work type:

full-time, self-employed

Most likely to work in:

Across the province, Halifax

Most employees have:

Bachelor's Degree


Professional Engineer Certificate

What you do

Hydraulic Engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids, principally water and sewage. One feature of these systems is the extensive use of gravity as the motive force to cause the movement of the fluids. This area of civil engineering is intimately related to the design of bridges, dams, channels, canals, and levees, and to both sanitary and environmental engineering.

A Hydraulic Engineer performs some or all of the following duties:

  • Project management
  • Design of hydraulic structures
  • Management of waterways such as erosion protection and flood protection
  • Designs around water supply and irrigation
  • Environmental conservation and management

What you need

  • Understanding of fluid mechanics and fluid systems
  • Knowledge of International hydraulic standards
  • Problem-solving
  • Attention to detail
  • Math & Physics

Who might be hiring?

Your Career Pathway

Opportunities for Hands-on Experience

Secondary School
Options and Opportunities (O2) Program
Physics 11 and 12

Post-Secondary Educational Programs

Professional Engineer Certification

After getting your Bachelor of Engineering, you will need to be admitted as an Engineer in Training (EIT) by an Association of Professional Engineers in Canada. Once you have completed 4 years of suitable work experience, you may apply to become a professional engineer.

Graduate Programs